I feel pressed for time. I find myself continually thinking that “if only had an extra day, or a week, or a month” then maybe I’d be able to accomplish my goals. The one thing, however, I do not have is an abundance of time.


Day 18.

Today we worked on our musical growth projects during class time and I feel reassured in my capabilities to complete this project after learning that my classmates are also facing similar struggles – I realize now I am not alone. Through working together and troubleshooting we were able to share collectively and pass along valuable tips and tricks for success.


Day 21.

I continue to try and sing while strumming to no avail. My new plan is to focus on the instrument exclusively and attempt to find a way to keep track of where I am in the music without the need for lyrics.


Day 24.

After speaking with Anita about other possible ways to train my brain to sing and strum simultaneously I have decided to continue trying. Singing was always an important part of this musical journey, even though I never explicitly stated it. Singing is something I have always enjoyed and I saw this project as an opportunity to learn something that would also allow space for singing in my day to day life; to no be able to complete that part of the project has been quite discouraging for me.


Day 25.

Unfortunately, as suggested by Anita, playing the song in the background to help me learn to sing and strum at the same time was not a successful venture. After speaking with some peers about my issues we have decided to get together over the weekend to work out some of the kinks in our learning process.